Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2017, happy readers! We hope you all have a lovely Christmas & that you’re so far managing to avoid the dreaded January blues. Whether you have or not, we have just the ticket to perk anyone up in this COLD, cold month… new titles for the new year – and we have something for everyone!

  • Do Parents Matter?

In Do Parents Matter? anthropologists (and grandparents) Robert & Sarah LeVine investigate the diversity of parenting practices across the world – from the USA to Africa, Japan to Mexico – and come away with a reassuring conclusion: children tend to turn out to be the same well-adjusted adults all around the world no matter the parenting style.

Japanese children sleep with their parents well into primary school, women of the Hausa tribe (largely based in Nigeria) avoid verbal and eye contact with their toddlers; Western parenting frowns on both practices but Japanese children show higher than average levels of empathy while Hausa children seem quite content. The Levines’ fascinating global investigation discovers the practices, and experiences, of parents from around the world, and comes away with profound lessons from other cultures on how to build a family.

This in-depth survey of parenting practices across the world is based on almost 50 years of research, until concluding: there is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting, free yourself from expert advice and learn to relax.

Pre-order your copy here: http://amzn.to/2iIDDjD


  • Aspertools

Aspertools offers advice from three perspectives, with that of a special needs education teacher, Pati Fizzano, as well as inspirational stories from Dr Reitman’s daughter, Rebecca, about her own experience, for understanding and managing life with an Aspie. It includes tips to make daily life less frustrating and more productive, focusing on the importance of positive routines, coping with social awkwardness and creating stability in daily activities.

Including tips on how to cope with social anxiety through preparation, encouragement and lists; how to effect positive changes in behaviour by utilising rules, rewards and consequences; how to decrease the frequency of meltdowns by providing an escape route to ‘a safe place’. This comprehensive and accessible work will open up the opportunity of a fulfilling life for everyone with a different brain – no matter the label.

Pre-order your copy here: http://amzn.to/2ij4hg9


  • Modern Calligraphy

Discover how to create your own unique script. Even though the art of calligraphy is centuries old, Molly Suber Thorpe is ready to teach anyone how to find their own unique style.

All crafts, from knitting to making home decorations, have undergone a revival of popularity as they offer an escape from our increasingly digital world, as well as an opportunity to express your own creativity. Molly Suber Thorpe provides an accessible and comprehensive guide to getting started on your own calligraphic projects.

Easy-to-understand instructions for designing your own wedding invitations, greetings cards, place cards and many more!

Pre-order your copy here: http://amzn.to/2ij9iVK


  • The Ascension Mysteries

In The Hidden Science of Lost Civilisations David Wilcock unlocked the mysteries mankind have always struggled to answer: who are we, how did we get here and where are we going?

In The Synchronicity Key he investigated how our universe works.

Now, in his third instalment of his trilogy, David Wilcock reveals that the earth is on the front lines of a battle that has been   raging between positive and negative extraterrestrials for 500,000 years and he looks ahead to what this battle means. Follow his enthralling journey through the history of the universe and explore the great Cosmic Battle surrounding the Ascension of mankind.

By unifying ancient texts from a variety of religions with scientific data and insider testimony, David Wilcock presents his stunning revelation—the Earth is on the verge of a cosmic event that will transform matter, energy, consciousness, and biological life as we now know it and will finally defeat the great villains of our time.

Pre-order your copy here: http://amzn.to/2iXRyzZ


  • I Ching

The I Ching focuses on the belief that change is always possible, the only mistake in life is to be inflexible and not open to the opportunity of growth. It can be consulted about any situation where you desire to change an aspect of your life or your relationship with another. The I Ching seeks to make the most of any situation and to overcome the disharmony in a life.

In I Ching In Plain English George Hulskramer has balanced several new translations of recently published versions of the I Ching to capture the essential spirit of this ancient classic.

It opens up the meanings of the coins to a wider range of contemporary experience than is provided by Richard Wilhelm’s traditionally accepted translation of 1923. The traditional Confucian version of the I Ching, which dominates Richard Wilhelm’s edition, emphasises correct behaviour and good manners while the Taoist and Buddhist schools stress inner development, how to make changes to the relationships you have with people around you and how to manage change in your life.

Pre-order your copy here: http://amzn.to/2iLxUHJ
