New reviews

Tomorrow sees the publication of one of our new spring titles, but today is your chance to read what people have been saying recently about a selection of our other books, both new and backlist titles. As if you need reminding of the variety of books published here at Souvenir Press, below you’ll find reviews of everything from cricket to creativity, Tao to pregnancy and birth.

Cardus on Cricket / A Fourth Innings with Cardus by Neville Cardus

“The writing is alive, full of daring and almost novelistic observation… Like Grace or Bradman, Sehwag or Gayle, he showed a way towards the future.” – The Cordon Blog, ESPN Cricinfo

Tao: The Watercourse Way by Alan Watts

“Alan Watts’ classic book on Chinese wisdom capturing the spirit of the Taoist attitude to life through its calligraphy and literature.” – Kindred Spirit magazine

The Vein of Gold: A Journey to your Creative Heart by Julia Cameron

“The essential companion to The Artist’s Way, taking you on the next stage of your creative journey… This powerful book inspires artistic mindful living.” – Watkins Review

The FitMama Method by Marie Behenna

“There is advice on how to push your baby out, how to breathe & pant for labour, birthing positions, and other secrets of the labour ward which no one else will tell you! …  I had read this book before I gave birth.” – More4Mums blog

If you’ve seen any reviews (or written one yourself) of a Souvenir book that we might have missed, or if you’d like information about any of our books, you can check out our current catalogue or contact me using the details here.

Another week, another set of wonderful reviews!

It’s been a busy week here in the Souvenir Press office. Monday-Wednesday was the London Book Fair, with meetings and events continuing throughout the week. But finally, on Friday afternoon, I’ve found a moment to bring you the round-up of all the wonderful reviews that have come in this week.

How Puzzles Improve Your Brain by Richard Restak and Scott Kim

“[The] puzzles were beautifully designed and a nice progression to help keep your thought processes working… It made me think and play in ways I had not done before and actually explained what my brain was doing whilst attempting these puzzles.” – Kevin on the PuzzleMad blog

“A very readable look at thinking and an excellent selection of puzzles to enhance brain function.” – The Book Bag

Bum Fodder by Richard Smyth

“Quite apart from the sheer entertainment provided by the book, I can say that I have actually learnt a considerable amount… The thinking person’s toilet library should now begin with three core acquisitions: Sale, Nohain/Caradec, and now Smyth.” – Jonathan Pinnock

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards

“The latest edition includes updated research, better quality reproductions of the Old Master paintings and also work by recent students who followed the course. Their drawings certainly make a compelling case for how successful the approach is.” – Artists & Illustrators magazine, May 2013

Leisure Painter magazine, May 2013, featured the book as part of their article ‘How do I draw that?’

If you’re interested in finding out more about any of our titles at Souvenir Press, feel free to email me asking for a copy of our latest catalogue.

Introducing: The Vein of Gold

This is our fourth new title for Spring 2013, and the fourth post in our ‘Introducing’ series.

The Vein of Gold by Julia Cameron is the companion book to her best-selling The Artist’s Way. If you have already followed the path outlined in The Artist’s Way, this new book will guide you on the next stage of your creative journey.

Featuring inspiring teachings on the creative process, The Vein of Gold contains more than one hundred imaginative and energising tasks to inspire and engage the reader, and to lead to spiritual growth, renewal and healing. This book inspires artistic mindful living, assuring the reader that creativity can be a spiritual path leading to personal growth.

Whether you are already actively pursuing a creative enterprise or are just beginning to nurture your own creativity, this powerful book provides the innovative, inspiring  and practical tools to help you embrace your artistic side.

So whether you’re looking to write that novel you’ve been thinking about for the last six months, start painting, or even start blogging, The Vein of Gold will help you to discover the power of your own creativity, and introduce you to an artistic way of life. Available in paperback and as an e-bookThe Vein of Gold is out now.

New Spring titles now available from Souvenir Press:


Introducing: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

This is our third post in the ‘Introducing’ series showcasing for you our new spring titles for 2013. If you missed our previous posts, take a look at How Puzzles Improve Your Brain and Do Chocolate Lovers Have Sweeter Babies? This is the first of two ‘Introducing’ posts we’ve got for you this week, because tomorrow we are publishing two creative bibles from two ladies known as the Queens of Creativity.

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards is the expanded and updated fourth edition of the world’s most widely used drawing instruction book. This step-by-step guide will help to increase your artistic confidence and boost your creativity.

Previous editions of this book have already sold over two million copies, and this revised and updated fourth edition, updated to consider the technological effects of twenty-first century living,  is already attracting a lot of attention in the media, particularly the art magazines. With a new chapter on the five basic perceptual skills of drawing, providing a practical step-by-step approach to drawing, and new exercises to help your perception “cross over” from the dominant left-brain mode to the right, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain is a must for artistic professionals, students or anyone who enjoys drawing as a hobby.

Perhaps, like me, your artistic abilities just about stretch to stick figures, but you’ve always wanted to be able to draw, this is for you. The Artist magazine calls it “an essential beginning”, and Leisure Painter calls it “a landmark in drawing tuition”.

Available as an illustrated hardcover and as an e-bookDrawing on the Right Side of the Brain is published tomorrow, 11th April. What are you waiting for – sharpen those pencils, get yourself a lovely new sketchbook, and give it a go.


2013 at Souvenir Press

Happy New Year!

Hello and welcome to 2013 with Souvenir Press. 2012 was a fantastic year for us, and we’ve got high hopes that 2013 will be even better! In the next few weeks details of our 2013 titles will be going up on our website, we will get our new season’s catalogues in, and the office will find itself in a flurry of new year activity.

But rather than throw that at you all, let’s ease ourselves gently into the new year with a run-down of our best-selling ebooks of 2012.

1) The Book – Alan Watts

By a huge margin, this was our best-selling ebook of 2012. Since a mention on BBC Radio 4’s ‘Desert Island Discs’ by John Lloyd in mid-November, we have reprinted the paperback edition three times, and the e-book has been selling just as well! John Lloyd described it as “the best book I’ve ever read on the nature of what actually is, what the world is about, and how you should behave” – why not take a look and see if you agree with him?

2) The Artist’s Way – Julia Cameron

One of our biggest selling ebooks last year was from our backlist – we originally published the hardback of ‘The Artist’s Way’ in the early 1990s. A comprehensive 12-week programme designed to help you unlock your creativity, why not start the new year by reading ‘The Artist’s Way’? Or maybe your novel will wait until next year…

3) Hypnobirthing – Marie Mongan

Marie Mongan is the founder of the HypnoBirthing (R) programme which has helped thousands of couples through its practice. This book details her breakthrough approach to safer, easier, comfortable birthing. Any normal, low-risk pregnancies can use the exercises outlined in this book, leading to a peaceful birth. So if you, or someone you know, is expecting a baby this year, point them towards ‘Hypnobirthing’ by Marie Mongan.

4) The Trachtenberg Speed System of Basic Mathematics – Jakow Trachtenberg

Jakow Trachtenberg believed that everyone is born with phenomenal abilities to calculate, he devised a set of rules that allows every child to make multiplication, division, addition, subtraction and square-root calculations with unerring accuracy and at remarkable speed. If you or your child struggles with mathematics, read this book and give it a go – it may just change your life!

5) The Hidden Science of Lost Civilisations – David Wilcock

One of our new titles for Spring 2012, ‘The Hidden Science of Lost Civilisations’ takes a look at the myth that the world would end in 2012. As the calendar has ticked over to 2013, it is clear this hasn’t been the case. Wilcock’s theory was that it would instead usher in a new golden age for mankind, and his book provides a blueprint for this golden age. A stunning synthesis of hidden science and lost prophecies, connecting science with ancient wisdom to predict what lies ahead for mankind.

6) The Artist’s Way Workbook – Julia Cameron

The workbook accompaniment to ‘The Artist’s Way’ (number 2 on our list), this helps you to follow the 12-week programme Cameron outlines, including space to work. Unlock your creativity and introduce it into your daily life.

7) The Elephant in the Classroom – Jo Boaler

Another best-selling mathematics title from Souvenir Press, this book was the subject of a huge article in the Telegraph in October. An indispensable guide for parents and teachers, this book offers concrete suggestions on ways to teach maths well, and ways to help children in the home, that will offer new and more effective ways of learning maths. This is a new approach that helps all children, even those who think that they could never enjoy maths. If your son or daughter is struggling, why not give this a go?

8) Undoing Depression – Richard O’Connor

Richard O’Connor writes from the perspective of one who has suffered two major episodes of depression during his lifetime, and also as someone who works as a psychotherapist, giving him a unique insight into the condition. ‘Undoing Depression’ examines how depression affects emotions, behavior, relationships, and self, and discusses healthier and more adaptive ways of thinking, feeling, and living happier lives.

9) Welcome to Biscuit Land – Jessica Thom

We only published this in October 2012, but already this is one of our biggest-selling ebooks of 2012! Jessica Thom has Tourettes Syndrome, and this inspiring book tells the story of a year in her life. Insightful, funny, sad and above all honest, this book has already touched the hearts of many. Through the book, and her blog as Touretteshero, Jessica Thom aims to raise awareness of living with Tourettes Syndrome. A must-read.

10) And the Band Played On – Randy Shilts

Not a book to be taken lightly, ‘And the Band Played On’ covers the origins and early years of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s. A masterpiece of investigative reporting, this weaves together the personal stories of those in the gay community with reports from the medical and political establishments, exposing how AIDS was ignored, or denied, as a threat by many national institutions. A phenomenal book of immense social, medical and historical importance.

Better than Great

As October draws to a close, November creeps up on us, and for many writers, that can only mean one thing: NaNoWriMo. For those of you not in the know, National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo for short) is an online community built around one thing: writing. In November, writers from across the globe take their seats and begin working on a novel, the aim being to produce 50,000 words in the 30 days. 1,667 words a day. It’s got its critics – it values quantity over quality, but many writers find it helpful as a means of getting started, getting stuck in to that elusive first draft. It encourages you to put pen to paper – or fingers to keyboard, perhaps.

If you’re one of the thousands of writers preparing to jump in on November 1st, then we’ve got just the book for you. Available in paperback and e-book, this is one that will definitely get your creativity flowing.

Better Than Great is a unique thesaurus of praise and acclaim, containing humankind’s largest gathering of fresh, potent and larky superlatives for anyone struggling to describe extraordinary things or experiences in ways that will do them justice. The English language has thousands of words to praise but cool , good and great have become our default choices. In Better Than Great Arthur Plotnik adds fresh and engaging new words to our vocabulary of praise, sorted into appropriate categories for easy use. The book is an entertainment in itself, drawing on all levels of expression and offering bonus lists, quotes, sidebar features and the author’s spirited advice and observations on each type of acclaim. Better Than Great draws its terms from slang dictionaries, contemporary writing, specialised glossaries and various quirky sources including the author’s right brain. It presents its inventive terms not simply as fixed locutions but as springboards for further creativity. It is the must-have reference for anyone seeking to rise above tired phrases when quality matters. Critics, journalists, novelists, public speakers, sales reps, marketers, bloggers, Twitterers any writer across the digital and literary spectrum will all find ways to recharge their acclamatory powers and the perfect alternatives to those worn-out phrases that are used too often.